Participating German Research Institutions
Listed below are the German Research Institutions involved to date (collaborations are not limited to those listed).

- Institute of Food Economics and Consumption Studies, Department of Food Economics and Food Policy, Prof. Dr. Awudu Abdulai

- Institute of Bio- and Geosciences, Plant Sciences (IBG-2), Prof. Dr. Uwe Rascher

- Institute of Crop Sciences, Tropical Plant Production and Agricultural Systems Modelling, Prof. Dr. Reimund Paul Rötter

Thaer-Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, Agrifood Chain Management Group, Prof. Dr. Dagmar Mithöfer
Thaer-Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, Intensive Plant Food Systems, Prof. Dr. Tsu-Wei Chen
Thaer-Institute of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, Land Use Systems, Prof. Dr. Sonoko Dorothea Bellingrath-Kimura

Institute of Parasitology, Prof. Dr. Franco Falcone
Institute of Soil Science and Soil Conservation, Prof. Dr. Jan Siemens
Institute of Agronomy and Crop Physiology, Prof. Dr. Michael Frei
Institute of Consumer Research, Communication and Food Sociology, Dr. Dr. Eleonore Heil
Institute of Agronomy and Plant Breeding II, Prof. Dr. Andreas Gattinger
Institute of Agricultural Policy and Market Research, Prof. Dr. Ramona Teuber
Institute of Nutritional Science, Prof. Dr. Gudrun B. Keding

- Research Area 2 "Land Use and Governance", Working Group: Sustainable Land Use in Developing Countries, Prof. Dr. Stefan Sieber

- Institute for Environmental Economics and World Trade, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Grote

- Institute of Agricultural and Nutritional Sciences, Department of Soil Biogeochemistry, Prof. Dr. Bruno Glaser

Center for Conflict Studies, Research Group Bonacker, Prof. Dr. Thorsten Bonacker
School of Business and Economics, Sustainable Use of Natural Resources, Prof. Dr. Björn Vollan

Institute of Plant Sciences and Resource Conservation (INRES), Horticultural Science, Prof Dr. Eike Lüdeling
Institute of Plant Sciences and Resource Conservation (INRES), Plant Nutrition, Prof. Dr. Mathias Becker
Center for Development Research (ZEF), Prof. Dr. Martin Qaim

- Artificial Intelligence in Remote Sensing, Prof. Dr. Michael Mommert

- Institute of Tropical and International Forestry, Dr. Jude Kimengsi

- Institute of Agricultural Production and Resource Economics, Dr. Philipp Mennig

Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation, Department of Soil Biology 310b, Dr. Sven Marhan
Institute of Farm Management – Department of Production Theory and Resource Economics 410a, Prof. Dr. Christian Lippert
Institute of Social Sciences in Agricultural, Department of Communication and Advisory Services in Rural Areas 430a, Prof. Dr. Andrea Knierim
Institute of Social Sciences in Agricultural, Department of Societal Transition and Agriculture 430b, Prof. Dr. Claudia Bieling
Institute of Agricultural Policy and Markets, Department of Economic-Ecological Policy Modeling 420d, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Arndt Feuerbacher
Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the Tropics, Department of Rural Development Theory and Policy 490a, Prof. Dr. Manfred Zeller
Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the Tropics, Department of Social and Institutional Change in Agricultural Development 490c, Prof. Dr. Regina Birner
Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the Tropics, Department of Land Use Economics 490d, Prof. Dr. Thomas Berger
Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the Tropics, Department of Agronomy in the Tropics and Subtropics 490e, DP Dr. Frank Rasche
Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the Tropics, Department of Management of Crop Water Stress in the Tropics and Subtropics 490g, Prof. Dr. Folkard Asch
Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the Tropics, Department of Animal Breeding and Husbandry in the Tropics and Subtropics 490h, Prof. Dr. Mizeck Chagunda

- Organic Plant Production and Agroecosystems Research in the Tropics and Subtropics, Prof. Dr. Andreas Bürkert

- Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Prof. Dr. Alisdair Fernie