
Funded Projects

MSc Career Exploration Scholarship (JST)

57. Norazharuddin, Yasmin

Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr. Joachim Allgaier / WorldVeg, Dr. Ee Von Goh

Topic: A comparative study of digital food environments: exploring consumer
behavior and systemic influences in Germany and Malaysia
Country of operation: Germany
Nationality: Malaysian

56. Armando, Benjamim

Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Prof. Dr. Robert Mikutta / IRRI, Dr. Alexis Ndayiragije

Topic: Salt-affected paddy soils of the Zambezi Delta, Mozambique: Pedological characterization and management options
Country of operation: Germany
Nationality: Mozambican

55. Karnati, Bindusree

University of Hohenheim, Prof. Dr. Folkard Asch / CIMMYT, Dr. Mathew Reynolds

Topic: Evaluation of CIMMYT elite nurseries for physiological traits associated with yield and abiotic stress adaptation
Country of operation: Mexico
Nationality: Indian

54. Htet, Khant Sandar

University of Kassel, Prof. Dr. Tobias Pleninger / CIFOR-ICRAF, D. Amy Ickowitz

Topic: Neglected and underutilized species: The key to enhance food related biocultural diversity
Country of operation: Indonesia
Nationality: Burmese

51. Nallusamy Ilango, Nandhaanaa

University of Hohenheim, Prof. Dr. Regina Birner / The Alliance Bioversity and CIAT, Dr. Jonathan Mockshell

Topic: Assessing the impact of incentive packages on encouraging agroecological practices among wheat farmers in Ethiopia: A study on enhancing adoption of sustainable agricultural innovation
Country of operation: Ethiopia
Nationality: Indian

50. Buabeng, Kwabena

Humboldt University Berlin/ ZALF, Prof. Dr. Stefan Sieber / IITA, Dr. Richard Asare

Topic: Gender perspectives on climate adaptation and integrated soil fertility management practices in cocoa farming: Insights from cocoa farmers in Ghana
Country of operation: Ghana
Nationality: Ghanaian

49. Agyemang, Nana Adwoa

University of Passau, Prof. Dr. Martina Padmanabhan / IITA, Dr. Bekele Kotu

Topic: The role of Agricultural Credit in the Adoption of Sustainable Intensification Technologies in the Northern sector of Ghana
Country of operation: Germany
Nationality: Ghanaian

48. Mujong, Rachel Humwapwa

University of Passau, Prof. Dr. Martina Padmanabhan / IWMI, Dr. Charity Osei-Amponsah

Topic: Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization for Women smallholder farmers in Ghana; Transforming Traditional on-farm practices through Feminist Political Ecology
Country of operation: Ghana
Nationality: Nigerian

47. Müller Benarroz, Clara

Martin Luther University Halle Wittenberg, Dr. Janina Kleeman / Embrapa, Dr. Rachel Prado

Topic: Evaluating the Impact of Land Use and Land Cover Changes on Water-Related Ecosystem Services in the Alto Parnaíba Sub-basin in Cerrado, MATOPIBA Region, Brazil
Country of operation: Brazil
Nationality: Brazilian

46. Oyieng', Edwin Pancras

Justus Liebig University (JLU) Giessen, Prof. Dr. Sven König / ILRI, Dr, Julie Ojango

Topic: Evaluating the lamb surivival and ewe productive life of the Red Maasai sheep and its crosses to the Dorper sheep
Country of operation: Kenya
Nationality: Kenyan

45. Nyaaba, Dominic

University of Passau, Prof. Dr. Martina Padmanabhan / IITA, Dr. Bekele Kotu

Topic: Integrating gender perspectives in the adoption of sustainable intensification practices in northern Ghana
Country of operation: Germany
Nationality: Ghanaian

44. Asiedu, Prince

University of Passau, Prof. Dr. Martina Padmanabhan / IWMI, Dr. Birhanu Zemadim

Topic: A twist of survival and celebration: An intersectional analysis of the adoption of sustainable intensification practices as pro-poor strategies for climate change adaptation in Ghana.
Country of operation: Ghana
Nationality: Ghanaian

43. Augustin, Rika

University of Hohenheim, Dr. Sven Marhan / WorldVeg, Dr. Lukas Pawera

Topic: Soil health, greenhouse gas emissions and mung bean/soybean productivity and nutritional quality under different tillage and plant residue management
Country of operation: Taiwan
Nationality: German

42. Schneck, David

Humboldt University Berlin, Prof. Dr. Sonoko D. Bellingrath-Kimura / The Alliance (Bioversity and CIAT), Dr. Stefan Burkart

Topic: Assessing the development needs for sustainable cattle production in major Latin American countries: A macroeconomic and institutional analysis
Country of operation: Colombia
Nationality: German

41. Ackerman, Hannah

Humboldt University Berlin, Prof. Dr. Tsu-Wei Chen / WorldVeg, Dr. Ee Von Goh

Topic: Exploring the potential and roles of aquatic vegetables in advancing blue economy strategies for sustainable development goals
Country of operation: Taiwan
Nationality: American

40. Ayyanchira Jayan, Ashtami

University of Kassel, Prof. Dr. Andreas Bürkert / WorldVeg, Dr. Ravishankar Manickam

Topic: Using agroecological principles to enhance resilience of polyculture vegetable production in Odisha and Madhya Pradesh
Country of operation: India
Nationality: Indian

39. Bance, Salifu Yaro

University of Hohenheim, Prof. Dr. Andrea Knierim / WorldVeg, Dr. Edmond Totin

Topic: Comparative Assessment of Conventional Agricultural Extension Service and Coaching Strategies in Benin, West Africa
Country of operation: Benin
Nationality: Ghanaian

38. Gbahoungbola, Hessede Modoukpe

Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Prof. Dr. Michael Frei / The Alliance (Bioversity and CIAT), Dr. Sam Bodjrenou

Topic: Improving the nutritional and sanitary quality of neglected under-utilized species by-products along the value chain in sub-Saharan Africa: Case study of Vitex doniana and Irvingia gabonensis in Benin
Country of operation: Germany
Nationality: Beninese

37. Segueda, Wendkouni Sylviane

Technical University Munich, Prof. Dr. Mariana Rufino/ INERA, Dr. Souleymane Ouedraogo

Topic: In vivo Digestibility of fodder grown in Burkina Faso
Country of operation: Burkina Faso
Nationality: Burkinabe

36. Saiyed, Ahana Imtiyaz

University of Freiburg, Dr. Anna Saave / IFPRI, Dr. Muzna Alvi

Topic: Valuing and Prioritizing Ecosystem Services: A Discrete Choice Analysis Across Social Groups in Mawlynnong Village, Meghalaya (India)
Country of operation: India
Nationality: Indian

35. Martinez, Emerson

HFT Stuttgart, Prof. Dr. Michael Mommert / The Alliance (Bioversity and CIAT), Carlos Eduardo Navarro

Topic: Characterizing Corn Growth Phases from UAV and Satellite Data in Guatemala
Country of operation: Guatemala
Nationality: Nicaraguan

34. Satyal, Prajwal

University of Hohenheim, Prof. Dr. Manfred Zeller / ILRI, Dr. Nils Teufel

Topic: Enhancing buffalo health and productivity for smallholder dairy farmers in Nepal: an evaluation of village livestock promoters' training programs and business practices, under the 'Sapling Bhaisi' initiative
Country of operation: Nepal
Nationality: Indian

33. Olanipon, Damilola Grace

Technical University Munich, Prof. Dr. Mohsen Zare / IITA, Prof. John Derera

Topic: Ecological Relevance of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungi to Rhizosphere Hydrophobicity in the Plant-Soil System of African Major Crops under Drought Condition
Country of operation: Germany
Nationality: Nigerian

32. Alvarez Ramirez, Javier

University of Marburg, Prof. Dr. Björn Vollan/ The Alliance (Bioversity and CIAT), Louis Verchot

Topic: Complex Systems Approach and Feedback Loops in Citizen Juries: A Novel Perspective for Analyzing Collective Deliberation and Decision-Making
Country of operation: Germany
Nationality: Colombian

31. Musita, Consolata

Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Prof. Dr. Gudrun Keding / The Alliance (Bioversity and CIAT), Dr. Céline Termote

Topic: Integrating nutrition education into food system interventions to improve dietary diversity of women and children 6-23 months in informal settlements in Kisumu, Kenya
Country of operation: Germany
Nationality: Kenyan

30. Valbuena Rincón, Nicolás

University of Hohenheim, Jun.-Prof. Arndt Feuerbacher / The Alliance (Bioversity and CIAT), PhD Mayesse da Silva

Topic: Socio-economic feasibility evaluation of Agriphotovoltaic systems in Colombia
Country of operation: Colombia
Nationality: Colombian

29. Bonaya, Halkano Galma

Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Prof. Dr. Brigitte Kaufmann/ ILRI, Dr. Alessandra Galiè

Topic: Analysis of pastoral information system for rangeland resource governance and monitoring among Borana and Rendille
Country of operation: Germany
Nationality: Kenyan

28. Vikram, Vrindaja

University of Hohenheim, Prof. Dr. Regina Birner / IFPRI, Dr. Muzna Alvi/ Dr. Thomas Falk

Topic: Understanding Behavioral Change Towards Agroecological Transition
in Madhya Pradesh, India
Country of operation: India
Nationality: Indian

27. Buitrago Rueda, Juliana

Philipps-University Marburg, Prof. Dr. Björn Vollan / The Alliance (Bioversity and CIAT), Louis Verchot

Topic: Mechanisms to empower communities: Citizen Juries bridging urban proposals with real needs in Caquetá, Colombia
Country of operation: Germany
Nationality: Colombian

26. Calle Jurado, Kely Johana

Philipps-University Marburg, Prof. Dr. Björn Vollan / The Alliance (Bioversity and CIAT), Louis Verchot

Topic: A strategy for sustainable transition in production systems in Caquetá, Colombia.
Country of operation: Colombia
Nationality: Colombian

25. García Conejero, Elena

Philipps-University Marburg, Prof. Dr. Björn Vollan / The Alliance (Bioversity and CIAT), Louis Verchot

Topic: The Dynamics of Citizen Juries on the Future of Food Systems in Caquetá, Colombia
Country of operation: Colombia
Nationality: Spanish

24. Jansen, Judith Ariane

Philipps-University Marburg, Prof. Dr. Thorsten Bonacker / The Alliance (Bioversity and CIAT), Louis Verchot

Topic: The Dynamics of Citizen Juries on the Future of Food Systems in Caquetá, Colombia
Country of operation: Colombia
Nationality: German

23. Ait Haji, Rihab

University of Hohenheim, Prof. Dr. Thomas Berger/ ICARDA, Dr. Charles Kleinermann

Topic: WEFE NEXUS - Agro-Ecology and CGIAR Cap Dev South-South and Triangle Cooperation program: Synergies between the NATAE Project and the WEFE Nexus for Sustainable Development
Country of operation: Morocco
Nationality: Morrocan

22. Apaza Sucapuca, Malena

University of Hohenheim, Prof. Dr. Folkard Asch / CIP, Dr. Hannele Lindqvist-Kreuze

Topic: Characterizing salinity hormesis of sweetpotato biomass
Country of operation: Germany
Nationality: Peruvian
In cooperation with PhD Scholar Johanna Volk
Link to Final Report

21. Odongo, Nicanor Obiero

Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Prof. Dr. Ramona Teuber / The Alliance (Bioversity and CIAT), Dr. Irmgard Jordan

Topic: Vulnerable urban and rural food environments and consumer perception of safe and nutritious food: a cross-sectional study in Kenya
Country of operation: Germany
Nationality: Kenyan

20. Schäfer, Robert

University of Hohenheim, Prof. Dr. Regina Birner / The Alliance (Bioversity and CIAT), Dr. Eric Kahn

Topic: Securing coffee's future through breeding innovaton? - An analysis of Ugandan and Colombian coffee seed systems
Country of operation: Uganda, Colombia
Nationality: German

19. Tophof, Franz Benedikt

Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Prof. Dr. Andreas Gattinger / ILRI, Prof. Dr. Anthony Whitbread and WWF, Dr. William Nelson

Topic: Harnessing Diversity: The Impact of Local Markets on Promoting Diverse Foods and Dietary Diversity
Country of operation: Kenya
Nationality: German
Link to Final report

18. McKinney, Sierra Quinn

Technical University of Munich, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mutez / IRRI, Dr. Amelia Henry

Topic: Drought response mechanisms of Oryza sativa L.: investigating root hair densities and root xylem embolism
Country of operation: Philippines
Nationality: Canadian

17. Koyyada, Dayasagar

University of Hohenheim, Prof. Dr. Folkard Asch / CIP, Dr. Ebna Rahaman

Topic: Genotypic responses of sweet potato to water and nutrient managements in saline fields
Country of operation: Bangladesh
Nationality: Indian
In cooperation with PhD Scholar Johanna Volk
Link to Final report

16. Aule, Alex Eeman

Humboldt University Berlin and Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Prof. Dr. Dagmar Mithoefer and Prof. Dr. Gudrun Keding / The Alliance (Bioversity and CIAT), Dr. Irmgard Jordan

Topic: Agro-ecological Approaches for fruit and Vegetable Production Systems: Opportunities and Boundaries in Turkana County, Kenya
Country of operation: Germany
Nationality: Kenyan
Link to Final report

15. Heid, Annabelle Sophie

Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Prof. Dr. Michael Frei/ The Alliance (Bioversity and CIAT), Dr. Boaz Waswa, Dr. Michael Kinyua

Topic: Effect of foliar applications of a seaweed-extract on drought resistance of amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) using different cropping systems
Country of Operation: Kenya
Nationality: German
Link to Final report

14. Krishnan Sathyabama, Keerthana Sri

Georg-August-University of Göttingen / DITSL, Prof. Dr. Brigitte Kaufmann / ILRI, Dr. Alessandra Galiè

Topic: Pastoral women’s information needs and gaps related to livestock production and marketing: integrating role-
play as a tool to elucidate tacit knowledge
Country of Operation: Kenya
Nationality: Indian
Link to Final Report

13. Mathangi, Prem Sagar

University of Hohenheim, Prof. Dr. Folkard Asch / CIMMYT, Dr. Carlos Robles

Topic: Genotype x Environment interaction on leaf properties and pigment composition in tropical bread wheat
Country of Operation: Mexico
Nationality: Indian
In cooperation with PhD Scholar Geckem Dambo

12. Gollapudi, Lalitha

University of Hohenheim, Prof. Dr. Folkard Asch / CIMMYT, Dr. Carlos Robles

Topic: Effect of drought stress conditions on leaf pigment composition in spring wheat
Country of Operation: Mexico
Nationality: Indian
In cooperation with PhD Scholar Geckem Dambo
Link to Final report

11. De Souza Barboza, Igor Felipe

Dresden University of Technology, Dr. Jude Kimengsi / The Alliance (Bioversity and CIAT), Bernando Caldas de Oliveira

Topic: The Potential of Artificial Intelligence and its Enabling Technologies for Sustainable Forest Management and Conservation in the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest: A Decade of Lessons Learned.
Country of Operation: Brazil
Nationality: Brazilian
Link to Final report

10. Ostrower, Lara Leonie

Humboldt University Berlin (ZALF), PD Dr. Stefan Sieber / WorldFish, Dr. Mark Dubois

Topic: Urban-Rural Migration and the Implication on Aquatic Food Systems in Cambodia”
Country of Operation: Cambodia
Nationality: German
In cooperation with PhD scholar Carla Baldivieso
Link to Final Report

9. Caldera Montero, José Alfredo

University of Hohenheim, Prof. Dr. Folkard Asch / CIMMYT, Dr. Carolina Rivera-Amado

Topic: The role of spikes in wheat adaptation to short-term heat waves.
Country of Operation: Germany
Nationality: Mexican
In cooperation with PhD Scholar Geckem Dambo
Link to Final report

8. Márquez Olea, Iza Margot

University of Hohenheim, Prof. Dr. Folkard Asch / CIMMYT, Dr. Carlos Robles

Topic: Root:shoot growth analysis to assess physiological effects on radiation use efficiency in wheat
Country of Operation: Germany
Nationality: Mexican
In cooperation with PhD Scholar Geckem Dambo
Link to Final report

7. Ochieng, Reagan Otieno

Humboldt University Berlin, Prof. Dr. Dagmar Mithoefer / The Alliance (Bioversity and CIAT), Dr. Chris Kettler

Topic: Analyzing Charcoal Value Chains in the Changing Landscape of Turkana, NW Kenya.
Country of operation: Kenya
Nationality: Kenyan
Link to Final report

6. Masser, Chiara

Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Dr. Eleonore Heil / The Alliance (Bioversity and CIAT), Dr. Irmgard Jordan

Topic: How food safety perception of consumers and farmers influences dietary behaviors in rural vs. urban regions in Kenya: a mixed-methods study
Country of Operation: Kenya
Nationality: German
Link to Final Report

5. Bock, Simon

Technical University of Munich, Dr. Philipp Menning / The Alliance (Bioversity and CIAT), Dr. Alejandra Arce

Topic: From cocoa plantations and degraded soils in the tropics to fruit-rich food forests with agroecology: Cropping system for smallholder
Country of operation: Peru
Nationality: German
Link to final report

4. Thankachan, Deena

University of Hohenheim, Prof. Dr. Folkard Asch / CIMMYT, Dr. Francisco Pinto

Topic: Genotype x Environment interaction on leaf properties and pigment composition in tropical bread wheat
Country of Operation: Mexico
Nationality: Indian
In cooperation with PhD Scholar Geckem Dambo
Link to Final Report

3. Pedinedi Jerald, Jane Cypriyana

University of Hohenheim, Prof. Dr. Folkard Asch / CIP, Dr. María Andrade

Topic: The effect of potassium fertilizer on the physiological and morphological response of field-grown sweet potato to salinity stress
Country of Operation: Mozambique
Nationality: Indian
In cooperation with PhD Scholar Johanna Volk
Link to final report

2. Negash Bedada, Tadesse

Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Prof. Dr. Bruno Glaser / ICRAF, Dr. Aster Gebrekirstos

Topic: GC-MS Evaluation of Phytochemical Constituents in Medicinal Plants Selected by Traditional Healers in Dinsho District, Southeatern Ethiopia
Country of Operation: Germany
Nationality: Ethiopian
Link to Final Report

1. Wanyonyi, Tabitha Nekesa

Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Prof. Dr. Jan Siemens / The Alliance (Bioversity and CIAT), Dr. Stéphanie Jaquet

Topic: Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics of Ingerated Animal-Plant-Agricultural Ecosystems of Different Land Use Intensities
Country of Operation: Germany
Nationality: Kenyan
Link to Final Report