
Open Topics

Below please find an overview over possible research topics for your career exploration stay. More details on the projects are available upon request.

In case you are interested in a particular topic, please contact us at We will establish the communication with the respective research institute .


CGIAR ++ / International Agricultural Research Centers

Alliance Bioversity & CIAT

Topic: Gender realities and disparities in contemporary livestock systems

Country of operation: Colombia, Cali


Further student research topic opportunities at CIMMYT are listed here . They are categorized by subject, location & academic level. Please also check out the CIMMYT Academy.


Topic: Ex-ante assessment of sustainable intensification of cereal based systems with early-maturity potato varieties in Asia.

Country of operation: India, Bangladesh, Nepal

Topic: Genetic resources conservation.

Country of operation: Peru


Topic: Etiology and control of potato purple top disease complex.

Country of operation: Peru


Topic: Biological characterization of newly discovered viruses of potatoes and andean root an tuber crops.

Country of operation: Peru


Topic: Mycoviruses for control of phythophthora infestans.

Country of operation: Peru


Topic: On-farm conservation of potato potato resources: ethnobotany, cataloging and spatial distribution.

Country of operation: Peru


Topic: Potato under regenerative agriculture to fight against desertification and soil degradation.

Country of operation: Peru


Topic: Development of a software tool for analyzing and presenting soil sensor data from different systems in Jordan.

Country of operation: Jordan


Topic: Determining optimum plant population of mungbean for maximizing grain yield and grain weight

Country of operation: Uzbekistan


Topic: An assessment of application of molecular markers in wheat improvement in Uzbekistan

Country of operation: Uzbekistan


Topic: Genetic diversity and distribution of fruit tree landraces and varieties in Central Asia

Country of operation: Uzbekistan


Topic: Nutrition sensitive livestock systems,

Country of operation: Tanzania, Ethiopia, Uganda


Topic: Climate smart options for adopting technologies and practices to improve resilience and productivity of livestock in low input environments.

Country of operation: Kenya, Tanzania


Topic: Gender evaluation and comparative analysis of the effects of social and technical innovations in forage production on women and men (work burden, empowerment and norms) in smallholder dairy farm settings

Country of operation: Kenya, Ethiopia


Topic: Climate change mitigation in rice production

Country of operation: Philippines, Los Banos

World Vegetable Center

Topic: Site-specific management of soil diseases in Solanaceous crops

Country of operation: Benin; Tanzania; Taiwan, Philippines


Topic: Identification and Development of new biocontrol agents to manage key pests and diseases on vegetable crops

Country of operation: Taiwan, Shanhua


Topic: Nutritional analysis of food preparation methods

Country of operation: Taiwan, Tainan


Topic: Community gardening

Country of operation: Taiwan, Tainan


Topic: Understanding the mechanisms of seed behaviour and germination of opportunity crops for a better conservation and use of their genetic resources

Country of operation: Taiwan, Tainan


Topic: Developing omics tools for orphan crop breeding programs

Country of operation: Taiwan, Tainan


Topic: Developing virus resistant chilli pepper for West and Central Africa

Country of operation: Taiwan, Tainan


Topic: Nutrition-sensitive and sustainable diets, food environments and food systems

Country of operation: Tanzania, Arusha


Topic: Vegetable and Grain Yield Components Determination in Vegetable Type and Dual Type Amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) Genotypes

Country of operation: Tanzania, Arusha


Topic: Identification and Characterization of Pathogen(s) Causing Wilt Diseased in African Eggplant in East Africa

Country of operation: Tanzania, Arusha


Topic: Understanding seed longevity of traditional african vegetables (opportunity crops) for improved management of ex-situ genebank collections

Country of operation: Tanzania, Arusha

German Research Institutions

Christian Albrechts University Kiel

Topic: Qinoa genome analysis and breeding

Country of operation: Germany, Kiel

University of Kassel

Topic: Apricots and wild admonds of Central Asia (Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan): Population dynamics, genetic diversity, morphological diversity, use, threats, climate change, specie-niche modelleing

Country of operation: Germany, Witzenhausen